

Life Guide for International Students


  In order to balance the relationship between students, teaching staffs activities and the operation of the center, Department of Physical Education draws up the Instructions for the Management and Use of USST Leisure Center.

Opening Hours:

Schedule Table for USST Leisure Center

Opening Hours



MondayFriday 8:009:45

Sanitation work and other organized work


MondayFriday 9:4514:45

Teaching course of Physical Education


MondayFriday 15:0017:00


Sports competition; part of the place used for teaching; the rest place used for students extracurricular activities; after 16:00, part of the place will be used for the teaching staff.


MondayFriday 17:0020:00

Extracurricular activities for students and teaching staff.


MondayFriday  20:0021:30

Activities of physical education communities


Saturday Morning 8:0011:30

Free of charge for USST students and staff.


Saturday Afternoon 12:0021:00


Sunday and Holiday 9:0021:00

Entering with payment

Opening Hours and Cost during Weekends and Holidays


With university ID card, all the students and staff of USST can enter the center with no charge on Saturday mornings from 8:00 to 11:30.


Opening and the Cost for other times of Weekends and Holidays


10 CNY/hour/person for the external person who does not study/work in USST


5 CNY/hour/person for teaching staff, who have to show their university ID cards


3 CNY/hour/person for students, who have to show their university ID cards


External people have to buy the rechargeable activity card (100 CNY) issued by the center. Opening hours for external people: Saturday 12:00021:00; Sunday and Holidays 9:0021:00.


Exercisers should prepare exercise equipments by themselves.

Points for Attention:


Weekends and holidays include holidays proclaimed by the state (except for spring festival holidays).  


During weekends and holidays, the rechargeable activity cards will be sold by the property management department. Any other people or department can not sell the cards without permission.


Physical Education Department is the management department of the center. Except for weekends and holidays, all the activities held in the center need the permission of the Physical Education Department. The applicants need to apply in written form for the permission to the vice secretary of the Party committee of their respective departments in advance. The departments, who want to apply for the use of the center, have to gain the permission with the signature of the section chief of respective departments. After being approved by the Physical Education Department who will fill in the Notice of Using USST Leisure Center, the applicant can enter and use the center.

Terms for Use:


The users who enter into the leisure center and do physical exercises should wear sports shoes. In order to protect the facilities and the ground of the center, shoes with nails and heels are forbidden to wear here.


When entering into the center, all of the people should comply with the management of the working staff. The use of the place will change each hour.


During the opening hours of weekends and holidays, all the people who enter into the center need to swipe the consuming card across the reader and clock out when exiting. If the stay in the center lasts less than 10 minutes for the first time, it will cost no fee. If the stay lasts more than 10 minutes but less than 1 hour, the user will be charged 1-hours cost. If the stay is more than 1 hour, the time will be calculated per half an hour.  


If the amount in the university card for the student is less than 3 CNY, the student needs to recharge money onto it before entering the center. As for the working staff, the amount should be no less than 5 CNY; as for the external people, the consuming card of the center should be no less than 20 CNY.


The user should swipe the card across the reader to clock out after leaving, or else, the counting system will automatically treat the leaving as late as the closing time of the center. Hence, please conscientiously follow the administrative rules for entering and exiting of the center.


Students and working staff of the university have to enter the leisure center with their university cards. The cards are forbidden to lend to other people. If the act of lending has been discovered, the owner of the card has to pay the cost according to the charge standard for external people. If the act has been discovered during the extracurricular activity, the card owner will be processed by his/her department.


It is strictly forbidden to consume with cash in the leisure center. The supervision from the mass is encouraged.

The Physical Education Department reserves the right of the final interpretation of above rules and regulations.